The story of Hallettsville begins with a man by the name of John Hallet, but the story of the town was written by his wife Margaret. Listed in Stephen F. Austin’s Register of Families, were John Hallet, 50 years of age, his wife Margaret, 42 years of age, and their four children, three male and one female. It states that Mr. Hallet’s wife and two children are in New York and Mr. Hallet has two sons with him at Labahia. For more background information on the Hallet family, please read The Hallet Story by Hope Finklestein, a descendant of Margaret Hallet.
According to records at the Texas General Land Office in Austin Texas, on November 12, 1832, John Hallet applied to Miguel Arciniega for one league of land. Arciniega was a commissioner appointed by the Supreme Government of this state (Coahuila and Texas) to distribute and give possession of lands and issue titles to the new colonist in the colonization enterprise of the Empresario Citizen Stephen F. Austin.
Later in the application, Arciniega stated the Hallet had been received as a colonist in the enterprise of Empresario Stephen F. Austin on the 20th day of November 1827; was married and was in conformity with the Colonization Law of March 24, 1825. Accordingly, Hallet’s application was approved and he was awarded the requested one league of land. Once the application was approved, the settler (Hallet) looked for land he wanted to own.
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